Featured Fighters

Some people choose to give 100%,

for others it’s their only choice.

Meet our 2024 Featured Fighters. They are members of the Pedal family – survivors, fighters, doctors, researchers and caregivers – for whom the fight with cancer is personal. Together, we can create a world without cancer – all cancers, for everyone.

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2024 Featured Fighters

Kira Andersen

In 2021, Kira and her husband Kyle unexpectedly found themselves in a fight for Kyle’s life as he battled pancreatic cancer. Kira’s persistence allowed Kyle to be the first person in the world to receive a new immunotherapy drug combination, giving her young family the gift of time. Now, Kira is on a mission to give other families the same choices.

Kira's Profile

The Drier Family

When Victoria faced a cancer diagnosis at age 16, the Drier family, along with the doctors at St. Louis Children's Hospital, came together to explore every cutting-edge option for treatment. Pedal the Cause's Executive Director David Drier and his family share the inspiring story behind their passion to create a world without cancer.

Team Victoria's Profile

Dr. Bednarski & Elsie

Since being diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia at age 5, Elsie has faced three stem cell treatments and countless extended stays in the hospital as she has fought the disease. In 2019, Dr. Jeff Bednarski's new immunotherapy trial utilizing Natural Killer (NK) cells, which was initially funded by Pedal the Cause, offered new hope to Elsie and her family. This year's Elsie is the ambassador and Ride for a Child for Team St. Louis Children's Hospital - the institution that saved her life.

Team STLCH's Profile

Penny Pennington

At 39, Penny Pennington was diagnosed with breast cancer just three months after her mother faced the same diagnosis. Now, as Managing Partner of Edward Jones, Penny is committed to sharing her story so that others may thrive as she has. She is proud to lead Team Edward Jones, who has cumulatively raised an astounding $6 million for Pedal the Cause to fund critical cancer research since 2010.


Troy Guzman

Meet Troy Guzman. As a design leader at Arcturis, he’s worked on pro-bono projects for Pedal the Cause over the years, knowing how important the organization was to funding cancer research. His whole world turned upside down in 2022, when Troy received a glioblastoma diagnosis, surgeries, chemo and a grueling treatment regimen. He has faced cancer with bravery, hope and light, and with the help of his long-time charity cycling team, he’s hell-bent on creating a real impact through Pedal the Cause.

Will & Dr. Maggie Ferris

Meet Will and Dr. Maggie Ferris. After a sudden cancer diagnosis rocked Will and his family’s world, a Pedal the Cause funded trial led by Dr. Ferris offered hope for a more effective treatment with less side effects. Now cancer free, Will is learning to be a kid again and is excited to be a part of Pedal the Cause’s Ride for a Child Program where team St. Louis Children’s Hospital is riding in his honor.